Achieve SEO Excellence Propel Your Search Rankings with -TechSnake

Maximize your online visibility with TechSnake. Get key insights through our SEO audit to enhance your website's performance and visibility

SEO audit: The foundation of any successful SEO campaign starts with understanding your site’s deficiencies through a multivariate SEO audit. This initial step helps you identify critical areas that need improvement and sets the stage for an effective optimization strategy.

Our in-depth, technical analysis ensures your link graph is precise and your on-page SEO content is optimized in comparison to your top competitors. We analyze various factors, including site speed, mobile-friendliness, and keyword usage, to ensure your site is performing at its best.

We provide a thorough, comprehensive analysis to uncover hidden issues that may be dragging down your Google rankings or preventing your content from being fully indexed. By addressing these issues, you can enhance your site’s visibility, improve user experience, and achieve higher search engine ranking


Technical SEO Audit Services For Websites - Techsnake

We have delivered SEO audit services to renowned online brands as well as thousands of small and medium-sized companies. Our process is scalable and adaptable, regardless of the size of your website content.
Our actionable SEO audit services focus on key ranking elements, including meta tags, keyword-rich content, link growth, and structured data.
For each ranking component analyzed, we provide specific action items to address any issues, along with industry best practices to guide you toward optimal performance. UNLOCK ACTIONABLE INSIGHTS WITH OUR COMPREHENSIVE TECHNICAL SEO AUDIT

technical SEO audit

Technical SEO Audit Service


Your essential tool for building a strong online presence and securing top rankings. Our comprehensive analysis focuses on optimizing key areas of your website, ensuring maximum visibility to search engines. Here’s what our audit covers:
With our On-Page SEO Audit, you’ll establish a solid foundation for online success, driving increased traffic and higher search engine rankings.


Your pathway to understanding and optimizing the backbone of your website’s ranking potential. With roughly two-thirds of the ranking algorithm tied to link-related signals, our analysis delves deep into your link portfolio, identifying signals and easy wins like broken links. Here’s what our analysis covers:

With our Link Profile Analysis, you’ll gain invaluable insights into your website’s link profile and actionable strategies to improve your search engine rankings.


Your key to ensuring search engine robots discover and index your content effectively, paving the way for improved rankings. With our technical SEO audit services, we ensure nothing hinders web crawlers from accessing and indexing your valuable content. But beyond indexing, our SEO audit goes the extra mile to uncover the reasons behind your low rankings compared to competitors. Here’s what our analysis covers:
With our Link Profile Analysis, you’ll gain invaluable insights into your website’s link profile and actionable strategies to improve your search engine rankings.


Your comprehensive guide to optimizing your website for improved search engine performance. Delivered as an enhanced PDF, our audit provides specific recommendations, screenshots, and additional resources to address identified issues effectively. Here’s what our audit document offers:
With our Link Profile Analysis, you’ll gain invaluable insights into your website’s link profile and actionable strategies to improve your search engine rankings.


Your comprehensive guide to understanding and outperforming your competitors in the digital landscape. Leveraging advanced SEO audit tools, we meticulously gather and analyze data on your competitors, revealing key insights into their strategies and performance relative to yours. Here’s what our document entails:
With our Link Profile Analysis, you’ll gain invaluable insights into your website’s link profile and actionable strategies to improve your search engine rankings.


Your comprehensive analysis of website performance is powered by cutting-edge SEO audit software. By mimicking Google’s crawling process, we generate detailed insights and actionable recommendations tailored to each page on your site. Here’s what our report entails:
With our Link Profile Analysis, you’ll gain invaluable insights into your website’s link profile and actionable strategies to improve your search engine rankings.


Analysis Component Description Analysis Component Description
Content & Blog Post SEO audit
Examination of content and blog posts for SEO optimization.
SEO Audit Scorecard
Evaluation of overall SEO performance using a scorecard system.
Keyword Guidelines
Guidelines for selecting and optimizing keywords within content.
URL Site Structure Analysis
Examination of URL structure for optimization and user-friendliness.
Keyword Focus
Focus on specific keywords to enhance search engine visibility.
Title Tags & Meta Tags Analysis
Review of title tags and meta tags for relevance and optimization.
Meta Descriptions SEO audit
Assessment of meta descriptions for effectiveness in attracting clicks.
Indexing Overview, Analysis, and Score
Overview and analysis of website indexing status and performance.
Heading Tags Analysis
Analysis of heading tags usage for SEO optimization.
URL Redirects
Identification and resolution of URL redirection issues.
Internal Linking
Evaluation of internal linking structure for improved navigation and SEO.
Page Exclusions
Identification of pages excluded from indexing for correction.
Image Names and ALT Tags
Optimization of image names and ALT tags for better search engine indexing.
Duplicate Content
Detection and resolution of duplicate content issues.
NoFollow Anchor Tags
Implementation of No follow tags for controlling link juice flow.
Crawl Errors
Identification and resolution of crawl errors affecting website accessibility.


Analysis Component Description Analysis Component Description
Linking Analysis SEO audit
Examination of linking strategies for SEO optimization.
Analysis of internal linking structure for improved navigation and SEO.
External links analysis
Evaluation of external linking strategies for enhanced authority and trust.
Linking Root Domains
Assessment of linking root domains to determine authority and trustworthiness.
Authority and Trust
Evaluation of website authority and trust metrics for SEO optimization.
Competitive Link Comparison
Comparison of linking strategies with competitors for improvement insights.
Supporting Documents Included
Provision of additional resources and documentation for SEO guidance.
Page Exclusions
Identification of pages excluded from indexing for correction.
Page Inclusions
Identification of pages included for indexing for review.
“How Many Pages” Review
Analysis of the number of indexed pages to assess website scope and coverage.
Crawl Errors
Identification and resolution of crawl errors affecting website accessibility.
Code Validation
Verification of HTML and CSS code for compliance with web standards.
Web Page Load Speed
Measurement of individual webpage loading times for optimization.
Linking Analysis Overview
Overview of linking strategies for SEO optimization.
Inbound Followed Links
Analysis of inbound links to assess referral traffic and SEO impact.
Linking Root Domains
Assessment of linking root domains to determine authority and trustworthiness.
Authority and Trust
Evaluation of website authority and trust metrics for SEO optimization.
Duplicate Content Review
Detection and resolution of duplicate content issues.
Competitive Link Comparison
Comparison of linking strategies with competitors for improvement insights.
Supporting Documents Included
Provision of additional resources and documentation for SEO guidance.

Premium SEO Audit Software Solutions

In the world of SEO (Search Engine Optimization), our experience guides us in understanding how well a website performs on Google and other search engines.

We’ve honed our skills over time, gaining insights into what works and what doesn’t. But rather than relying solely on intuition, we use specialized tools to assess every aspect of your website. These tools provide us with valuable data, showing us where your site excels and where it could improve in search engine rankings.

Transparency is important to us, so we’re happy to share the list of tools we use. Sometimes, we use multiple tools for the same task to ensure thoroughness. It’s like having extra pairs of eyes to catch anything we might miss.

With these tools at our disposal, we can optimize your website to stand out online and attract more visitors. And rest assured, we’ll only recommend the best tools for your SEO audit needs.


Google Analytics is like a superhero for your website, always on the lookout to help it perform its best. While Google keeps some secrets about how it ranks websites, it’s happy to share details about how your site is doing overall.
With Google Analytics, we get to see how many people are visiting your site from regular searches. But it’s not just a headcount; we also check out things like which pages they visit, how long they stick around, and if they leave right away or stay for a while.
It’s like having a handy tool that can show us exactly how well your SEO efforts are paying off. Plus, it gives us a heads-up if there’s anything we need to fix quickly.


Google Search Console is like your website’s personal assistant, provided by Google itself. It’s here to make your life easier by giving you all sorts of insights into how your website is doing.
Think of it as a virtual tour guide for your website. It helps us explore every nook and cranny, making sure everything is running smoothly. We can upload and fix your website’s sitemap, check for any problems with how Google is indexing your site, and even spot and fix any sneaky spam.
But that’s not all! Google Search Console also lets us see how often your website pops up in Google search results. Plus, it sends us alerts if there’s anything we need to pay special attention to, like issues with mobile optimization or certain Google search features.
In short, Google Search Console is like having a helpful friend who’s always looking out for your website’s best interests.


Google Page Speed Insights is like a speedometer for your website, telling you how fast it’s going. And guess what? Speed matters a lot when it comes to how well your site ranks in search results.
Using this tool is like giving your website a check-up. We look at a bunch of important speed metrics all at once, like how quickly the main content loads (LCP), how fast users can start interacting with your site (FID), and if things move around while the page is loading (CLS).
By checking these metrics, we can see if your website is cruising along smoothly or if it’s hitting some speed bumps. And if we find any issues, we’ll know exactly how to fix them to make sure your site zooms to the top of search results!


Ahrefs is like a trusted ally in our SEO audit services, assisting us in uncovering the secrets of your website’s success. It’s a comprehensive toolset designed to tackle everything from backlinks to keyword rankings.
Think of it as a reliable companion for your website. With Ahrefs, we can zoom in and thoroughly examine every nook and cranny, comparing your website’s technical performance to your competitors’.
But that’s not all – Ahrefs also lets us dive into your keywords, see which pages are shining brightest, and track your progress toward your SEO goals. And the best part? We can spy on your competitors too, learning their strategies and seeing how you measure up.
In a nutshell, Ahrefs is our trusted partner for unlocking the full potential of your website and giving you the competitive edge you need to soar to the top of search results.


Moz is like a treasure trove of SEO tools that we rely on to dive deep into your website’s SEO performance.
Picture it as your SEO Swiss Army knife. With Moz, we can unlock valuable insights into your website’s standing in the online world. The Moz Keyword Explorer is our trusty guide for finding the best keywords to boost your website’s visibility.
But that’s not all – Moz helps us uncover the secrets of your backlinks, spy on your competitors, and evaluate the strength of your website’s domain and individual pages. Plus, it keeps us updated on the ever-changing whims of Google’s algorithm.
In a nutshell, Moz is our go-to toolkit for unraveling the mysteries of SEO and guiding your website to the top of search engine rankings.


Screaming Frog is like our trusty sidekick in the world of SEO audits, ensuring no stone is left unturned when it comes to optimizing your website.
Imagine it as our digital detective, sniffing out any potential issues lurking on your website. It works by crawling through every nook and cranny, just like Google’s spiders, to give us a comprehensive view of your site’s technical health.
With Screaming Frog, we can catch everything from big problems like broken links to tiny issues like metadata glitches. It’s like having a magnifying glass for your website’s technical details.
So, if there’s anything amiss with how Google sees your site, rest assured, that Screaming Frog will sniff it out and help us set things right.


When it comes to your website’s content, originality is key to a successful SEO strategy. That’s where tools like Copyscape and come in handy.
Think of them as your guardians against content plagiarism and AI-generated content. They work tirelessly to ensure that your website’s content is unique and free from any unwanted footprints that could harm your SEO efforts in the long run.
With Copyscape and on our side, we can quickly identify any potential duplication issues and take action to rectify them. It’s like having a pair of vigilant watchdogs keeping your content safe and sound from the pitfalls of plagiarism.
So, rest assured that with these tools in our arsenal, your website’s content will not only be original but also optimized for future-proof SEO success.


GT Metrix is like your website’s speed coach, helping us whip it into shape for optimal performance.
Think of it as a stopwatch for your website’s pages. With GT Metrix, we can pinpoint which pages are dragging their feet and why. Then, armed with this information, we can provide you with recommendations to turbocharge their speed.
But that’s not all – GT Metrix also gives us an overall “score” for each page, so we can track improvements over time. It’s like watching your website go from slowpoke to speed racer right before your eyes!
With GT Metrix on our team, we can ensure that your website not only looks great but also loads lightning-fast, giving your visitors the best possible experience.
In summary, GT Metrix, along with our other trusty tools, helps us paint a clear picture of your current SEO status and unlock your website’s full potential for the future.